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Saturday 31 May 2014

4 Effective Home Remedies To Treat Pimples Under The Skin.

"Pimples" an enemy to beauty is one word I hate to say, but inadvertently, it is something that can affect anyone even if your generation may not have it. Its second cousin under the skin pimples is far dangerous and terrible. At least with a pimple on the surface, you can see it, use cuss words and make gang signs at it but what do you do with pimples under the skin. They grow below the surface without visible pores. Although mostly painless, in some cases they hurt badly. We've all had an episode with stubborn pimples under the skin. The causes are varied and confusing. Fortunately, the prevention and treatment is mostly simple.

Home Remedies Treat Under The Skin Pimples:

There are several home remedies to get rid of under the skin pimples. Most of them are easily available and won’t pinch your wallet.

1. Epsom Salt:

Epsom salt is one of the cheapest and most convenient ways of treating under the skin pimples. Magnesium sulphate in the Epsom salt is considered as an anti inflammatory agent, which helps to treat the acne. Soak a wash cloth in a solution of Epsom salt and warm water. Use the cloth as a warm compress for your face. Do this 3 or 4 times a day. Epsom salt kills bacteria and purges toxins. It is also useful to control the oiliness that causes acne.

2. Essential Oils:

Tea tree oil and lavender oil are amazing to treat under the skin pimples. Most beauty creams and anti ageing lotions contains generous amounts of tea tree oil and lavender oil. Dab a little oil on a tissue or ear bud and apply directly. Leave it on overnight. Tea tree oil and lavender oil have antibacterial properties that reduce inflammation and redness.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar when applied directly on the pimple reduces redness. Do this sparingly, maybe once a day. Vinegar of any kind is acidic and could be harsh for your skin. Do not apply undiluted apple cider vinegar to the entire face. Only apply a little bit of it on the stubborn pimple once a day.

4. Green Tea:

Brew some strong green tea and freeze it in the ice compartment. Apply it directly on the pimple. Providing a soothing effect to the skin, it reduces the redness.

Causes Of Under The Skin Pimples:

Some beauty experts believe that hair products that seep into your skin can cause adult acne and under the skin pimples. When using any kind of hair product, be sure to use the applicator or brush. Wipe off the product that tends to keep dribbling on your forehead with a baby wipe, preferably a non-alcohol based one. Another connected and infamous cause of under the skin pimples is your hairstyle. Fringes and bangs are so hot right now but they could be the cause of all that acne on your forehead. The constant irritation to the skin on your forehead caused by your fringe increases soreness and redness. When having a terrible time with acne, clip your bangs and notice the immediate difference.
While travelling, your skin is already exposed to several changes in the weather and humidity. This causes skin damage. Several people complain of under the skin pimples after returning from a fabulous beach vacation. To minimize skin damage during vacations, use only bottled water to wash your face. Tap water may contain impurities that cause irritation to your already sensitive skin. Remember to use scarf and sunglasses when you are outdoors. Always keep your skin clean and moisturised.
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Wednesday 28 May 2014

“Jehovah's Witnesses Website” Fastest Growing Religious Website In The world.

Who could believe that an unrecognized group of religious people who started way back in the 1800’s with few members has not only grown to millions but with an eye catching website of more than 1 million users daily.
JW.ORG Quick Facts and Figures

Daily Numbers of Visitors:
1 million (+)  plus
Languages in downloadable publication format
600 thousand (+
Languages available on the website
Number of Downloads
1.5 million plus (+)
Videos Downloaded Monthly
Over 5.1 million
Web pages on the Site
More than 230,000

It is believed that other religious groups have had their way to the website in order to download various religious publications, even though these so called religious groups blatantly oppose, tarnish and even curse Jehovah’s Witnesses in their place of Worship or public.

This is an irony in the making; other religious clerics also warned their members not to attach themselves with these religious groups, asserting that they are a cult or society without humans in view. But these clerics usually have their way to JW.ORG website to download religious material, not only that,  to teach their members from these materials.

Whether these sayings are correct or not, they really astonish people with their Evangelical spirit, and their visitations to people home.

Brief History of the Witnesses
 The group now known as the Jehovah's Witnesses was founded in 1879 by Charles Taze Russell, a Pennsylvania businessman. Russell's Adventist background as well as his study of the Bible led him to conclude, among other things, that the second coming of Christ would occur in 1914, that hell-fire did not exist, and God was not a Trinity. 

Today, there are over 7 million practising Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide. Witnesses are active in evangelism and missions, both in the group's original home of the United States and throughout the world.

Many people want to know: What do Jehovah's Witnesses believe? Is Jehovah's Witnesses a cult? What is the Jehovah's Witnesses' Bible and how is it different than other Bibles? Why don't Jehovah's Witnesses celebrate holidays and birthdays? Why do they distribute The Watchtower and Awake magazines? What is their history? And why is there such a strong presence of ex-Jehovah's Witnesses in literature and on the internet?

You can do the religious search yourself.

We Please post your comments below to have your saying on this.
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If You Have Bad Breath, Try These Practical Ways To Have Good Oral Health.

They say that a smile is the most beautiful thing a woman possesses; one that can bring the whole armies down to their knees. So, are you taking care of that precious smile? Good oral hygiene not only adds beauty to your smile but also keeps the gum and mouth infections away.
WHO defines oral health as, “a state of being free from chronic mouth and facial pain, oral and throat cancer, oral sores, birth defects, such as cleft lip and palate, periodontal (gum) disease, tooth decay and tooth loss, and other diseases and disorders that affect the oral cavity”.

Common Symptoms of Bad Oral Health:
Bad breath
Sore, swollen and bleeding gums
Deposits of plaque and tartar or your teeth
Receding gums
Toothache and sensitive teeth
Preventive Care For Good Oral Health:
You need to keep in mind the following necessary things for good oral health:

1. Brushing:
Brush your teeth twice a day. But if you eat small, frequent meals in a day, then twice is not enough. It can lead to plaque buildup, which causes cavities and other gum diseases. So try to brush thrice a day for better hygiene.
Brushing your teeth properly in the correct way is important. Brush the outside (front part), inside (back part) and chewing side of each of your teeth thoroughly by moving the brush in a circular motion. Keep the motions gentle otherwise you might harm your enamel.
It takes 2 minutes brushing time to remove all the bacteria.

2. Tongue Cleaning:
Have you ever noticed the white coating on your tongue when you wake up in the morning? That whiteness is the accumulated toxin. Even Ayurveda points out the importance of cleaning the tongue to get rid of that whiteness. It not only keeps your mouth healthy but affects your overall health.
Many dentists now suggest the use of tongue scrapers for cleaning the tongue. It successfully removes the stubborn anaerobic bacteria collected in the mouth.
Proper technique of using a tongue scraper is to hold the scraper on both the ends. Then extend your tongue outside. Now put it as far back on your tongue as you can with triggering any gag reflex and scrape it forward removing the white toxic coating. Do it gently so as to not harm your tongue.

3. Flossing:

Flossing is important and we know it, right? But how many of us actually floss our teeth daily? Not many! Floss your teeth properly once a day. It cleans the sides of the teeth. It also cleanses the food that gets stuck between the teeth, which if not cleaned may lead to tooth decay.
To floss your teeth, use 18’’ floss and gently following the curves of your teeth, clean the area along the gum line.

4. Dental Check-up:
Go to a good dentist for regular dental check-ups and clean-ups. These clean-ups further reduce the chances of any diseases but even then if you get any disease your dentist will detect it early to treat it effectively.

5. Some Tips:
For strong teeth and gums, rub a mixture of mustard oil and salt on your teeth and gums daily. Using a small amount, first check whether it triggers any allergy or causes any new ache.
Rock salt is good for black and weak gums.
Brushing your teeth gently with baking soda and lemon juice mixture can get you whiter teeth.
Change your tooth brush after every 3-4 months.
Use a toothpaste containing fluoride.
Tea contains flavonoids and fluoride, which prevent the bacteria from sticking to teeth.
Include tooth-cleaning foods in your diet. These foods are also known as ‘detergent’ foods in the dental care world. Examples of these foods are apple, grape, carrot, peer, and strawberries. These fruits also keep our teeth strong.
The oil-cleaning method with sesame oil cleanses all the toxic substances from the mouth according to Ayurveda. Put some sesame oil in your mouth and swish it all around for 10-15minutes.
Dark chocolate is said to benefit the tooth enamel by making it stronger.
Use mouth rinses that fight bacteria. It should be anti-plaque and should contain fluoride as it helps to deal with problems like dry mouth, bad breath to keep the mouth bacteria free.
Keep cardamom (ilaichi) or saunf with you as they are natural breath fresheners. They also prevent accumulation of bacteria after eating.
You know how earlier it was believed that old age results in falling of tooth and other tooth and gum diseases? Well now that myth is busted and science tells us that with proper oral health care, you can keep your smile pretty right till the end!

Do you follow these oral health care steps? Do you have anything to add? Do share with us in the comments section.
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Monday 26 May 2014

Financial Freedom At Last.


Sign up here to kick start your journey to financial freedom. Invite friends to do same and get paid commission on each sign up from your dedicated url. Just enter your phone number and name. That's all you need to get there. Sign Up
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Saturday 24 May 2014

Life is Precious.Never buy an Expired Gas Cylinder.

Do you know that there is an expiry date (physical life) for LPG cylinders? Expired Cylinders are not safe for use and may cause accidents. In this regard, please be cautious at the time of accepting any LPG cylinder from any gas cylinder vendor.
Here is how we can check the expiry of LPG cylinders:
On one of three side stems of the cylinder, the expiry date is coded alpha numerically as follows A or B or C or D and some two digit number following this e.g. D14. 
The alphabets stand for quarters -
1. A for March (First Qtr),
2. B for June (Second Qtr),
3. C for Sept (Third Qtr),
4. D for December (Fourth Qtr). 
The digits stand for the year till it is valid. Hence D14 would mean December qtr of 2014.
Please Return Back the Cylinder that you get with a Expiry Date, they are prone to Leak and other Hazardous accidents 
The second example with D17 allows the cylinder to be in use until Dec 2017. 

Kindly pass this to every one and create awareness.

Life has not got a duplicate.
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Thursday 22 May 2014

Another Massacre In Borno By Boko Haram Which Claimed 48 lives!

No fewer than 48 people were killed by insurgent group, Boko Haram, in Shawa and Alagarno villages of Askira Cuba and Damboa local government areas of Borno State, respectively.
The attackers also carted away food items after setting ablaze almost all houses in the villages.
Shawa is about three kilometres south of Kwapchi village which came under attack in the last two weeks, where 12 people were killed with several residential houses set ablaze, while Alagarno village is about 30 kilometres to Chibok town, where about 275 female students of Government Secondary School were abducted by the insurgents and about 117 kilometers from Maiduguri, the Borno State capital.

A local resident, Mallam Umaru Saina, who spoke with our correspondent on phone, said about 30 terrorists on 10 motorcycles stormed Alagarno village yesterday at 1:30a.m. and had a field day before they left.
He said: “A young woman in Alagarno village was missing during the attack, but nobody knows whether the woman was taken away by the insurgents who destroyed everything we had and burnt down our remaining food.
“The most painful thing is that, they did not spare children. They killed children, women, and men.”
7 Division
Meantime, Premium Times quoted senior military and administration officials as saying that Nigeria’s Special Forces from 7 Division have sighted and narrowed the search for the abducted Chibok schoolgirls to three camps operated by the extremist sect north of Kukawa at the western corridors of Lake Chad.
Sources said the Shawa incident took place on Monday evening, while the Algarno attack took place yesterday morning.
Parents’ death
Meanwhile, a father of eight, whose two daughters were among the over 200 schoolgirls abducted in Chibok, Mr. Mutai Hona, has died of heart attack as a result of high blood pressure, BP.
Another parent, Madam Mary Lalai of Mbulabam village in Chibok Local Government Area died earlier of heart attack on hearing the news of her daughter’s abduction.
The news of Mr. Hona’s death was announced by his brother, Mr. James Yama. Yama, in an interview with newsmen in Maiduguri, said the deceased who was hale and hearty died last Sunday of psychological trauma when he realised that none of his two abducted daughters were among those shown in the video clip earlier released by the sect leader, Abubakar Shekau.
Late Hona, aged 56, survived by two widows, has been buried in Chibok.
Yama disclosed that most of the parents were neither eating nor sleeping due to psychological trauma.
He said: “We are suffering in silence. One of my brothers, Mr. Mutai Hona, whose two daughters were among those abducted, died last Sunday as a result of heart attack.
“Since the incident, he had not been eating well, before he developed high blood pressure.
Relief materials rejected
“It will interest you to note that last Sunday, officials of the National Emergency Management Agency, NEMA, in charge of North-East Zone were here in Chibok to distribute relief materials to the victims, but none of the parents of the abducted girls collected even soap.
“They protested to NEMA officials that all they wanted was for government to bring back their abducted daughters. In fact, most of those who benefitted from the relief materials were people whose daughters were not among the abducted.
“If we had seen the corpses of our girls, we would have forgotten about them. They have turned the whole episode into a hide-and-seek game with the authorities not letting us know what is really happening. It is unfortunate.”
Teachers’ revolt
The Nigeria Union of Teachers, NUT, yesterday, ordered the closure of all schools nationwide in protest against the abduction of the Chibok schoolgirls and the killing of 170 teachers from Borno State and three from Yobe State by the insurgents.
National President of NUT, Mr. Michael Alogba, who gave the directive while addressing journalists in Abuja, said the union was depressed and sad over the continued incarceration of the Chibok girls by insurgents.
He urged the Federal Government and governments of Borno and Yobe states to exhibit true concern for the families of the 173 teachers.
Alogba said: “The NUT has resolved to hold Bring Back our Girls rallies simultaneously across the 36 states and Federal Capital Territory, FCT, today.
“All schools nationwide shall be closed as the day will be our day of protest against the abduction of Chibok female students and the heartless murder of 173 teachers.
“At this junction, we demand that both the Federal and respective state governments should exhibit true concern to the families of the 173 teachers who lost their lives to the barbaric, uncivilised and wicked acts of terror by paying them adequate compensation to assist in soothing their misery.
“It is also important to take insurance cover for both students and teachers in the vulnerable political environment of the country. Education should be publicly declared as fundamental human rights and abridgement should be criminalised.”
US troops
The United States of America, USA, has deployed 80 military personnel to Chad to help regional efforts to rescue the more than 200 kidnapped schoolgirls, President Barack Obama said yesterday.
In a letter to the US Congress, he said: “These personnel will support the operation of intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance aircraft for missions over northern Nigeria and the surrounding area.
“The force will remain in Chad until its support in resolving the kidnapping situation is no longer required.”
France also has forces in Chad, while Britain and the United States have sent small teams of specialists to Nigeria to assist the Federal Government in the search for the girls.
“It has been a most difficult but heroic breakthrough,” one senior military official said in Abuja, according to Premium Times.
That claim was supported by another senior commander from the Army’s 7 Division, the military formation created to deal with the insurgency in the North-East. The 7 Division is headquartered in Maiduguri, Borno State capital.
The news is also key for the Maiduguri-based 7 Division a week after a humiliating mutiny by troops of its 101 battalion who fired at the General Officer Commanding the division, Ahmadu Mohammed, a Major General.
Military officers coordinating the search and other officials in Abuja said Boko Haram insurgents split the girls into batches and held them at their camps in Madayi, Dogon Chuku and Meri, all around the Sector 3 operational division of the military detachment confronting the group’s deadly campaign.
Another source said there is a fourth camp at Kangarwa, also in Borno State. That claim could not be independently verified.
“Our team first sighted the girls on April 26 and we have been following their movement with the terrorists ever since,” one of our sources said.
“That’s why we just shake our heads when people insinuate that the military is lethargic in the search for the girls,” he added.
The location of the abducted girls — North-East of Kukawa —  opens a new insight into the logistic orientation of Boko Haram, responsible for thousands of deaths in a five-year long insurgency.
President Goodluck Jonathan said the group had killed at least 12,000 people so far. This figure did not include the hundreds killed in a car bomb, Tuesday, in Jos and the about 10 murdered on Sunday in Kano in a suicide bombing.
Boko Haram’s movement
Details established by the military shows that while the world’s attention is focused on the Sambisa forest reserves, about 330 kilometres south of Maiduguri, the terrorists mapped a complex mission that began at Chibok, and veered north east of Sambisa, before heading to west of Bama and east of Konduga.
With the sighting, officials fear that Boko Haram militants may be seeking to create new options of escape all the way to Lo-gone-Et Chari in Cameroon to its South-East, Lake Chad to its east and Diffa in Niger Republic to its north, providing a multiple escape options in the event of hostile ground operations against it.
Notwithstanding the sighting, the government is said not to be considering the use of force against the extremists, a choice informed by concerns for the safety of the students.

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Amazing Fact About Aloe Vera On Your Skin.

It would be prudent and useful to simply grow Aloe at home since this plant can cure nearly any dermatology-related issue. Otherwise, Aloe leaves are easily available at supermarkets. Aloe works as an anti-inflammatory agent. Cut the green layers off the leaf and you are left with a transparent, slimy, gel-like substance. In a bowl, mash this gel with your fingers as best as you can. Then apply this on your face and hair, and keep it on for about ten minutes or till it’s dry. Then, wash off. This can be the best face wash for oily skin.
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Wednesday 21 May 2014

Men With Sperm, Semen Defects May Die Early.

Men rendered infertile due to defects in their semen and sperm are more likely to die early than men with normal semen, new research suggests.
Over a period of about eight years, men with two or more abnormalities in their semen had a risk of death that was more than double that of men with healthy semen, researchers reported in the May 16 online issue of Human Reproduction.
Knowing this, doctors who treat men for infertility should advise them to adopt healthy habits that might boost their survival, said lead author Dr. Michael Eisenberg, assistant professor of urology and Stanford University School of Medicine's director of male reproductive medicine and surgery.
"There may be a window of opportunity here. When they see their doctor they could do some other things that might benefit them," Eisenberg said. "I see this as an opportunity to pay more attention to your health and be more proactive."
For the study, Eisenberg and his colleagues reviewed the medical records of about 12,000 men aged 20 to 50 who had visited either the Stanford University School of Medicine or the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston to be evaluated for possible infertility.
At both clinics, doctors had recorded information on patients' semen quality, such as total semen volume, sperm counts, sperm movement and shape. The researchers compared patient data with death records to track the men's death rates, while taking into account for underlying health issues that could compromise semen quality.
While no single semen abnormality in itself predicted early death, men with two or more such abnormalities had 2.3 times the risk of death during the study period than those with no semen abnormalities. The greater the number of abnormalities, the higher the risk of death, the study found.
Low semen volume, sperm concentration, sperm activity, total sperm count and the total count of active sperm specifically were associated with a higher risk. Abnormally shaped sperm did not appear to be linked to increased risk of death during the study follow-up.
"This striking increased death rate in men with abnormal semen parameters highlights the urgency and need to investigate the causes of male infertility and not to just proceed with assisted reproductive technologies," said Dr. Natan Bar-Chama, director of male reproductive medicine and surgery at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City.
Bar-Chama, who was not involved with the study, added that "it is equally important to identify potential modifiable causes of male infertility that could be acted upon and subsequently decrease this increased mortality rate."
It's important to keep in mind that this study wasn't designed to prove that semen abnormalities lead to a higher rate of death, only to show there is an association between these factors.
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5 Astonishing Health Benefits Of Carrot Juice.

Carrots are good for our eyes—we all know that! But did you know that this root vegetable is a natural agent that burns fat? It is a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that provide the body the needful nutrients to stay fit. It also contains good quantities of water and fiber that makes the digestion process smoother and easier. It also helps in fat digestion, absorption, and burning. Drinking carrot juice is a healthy and tasty way to lose weight. Regular consumption of carrot juice aids in weight loss, fights flab, and reduces fat. Flip through any diet plan and you will definitely come across carrot juice!

5 Useful Health Benefits of Carrot Juice:

Carrot juice packs a powerful punch with a host of health benefits. Here is given a list, which presents five useful health benefits of carrot juice.

1. Rich In Vitamins:

Carrot juice, a rich source of vitamin A, plays an important role in healing tired muscles after workouts. It also improves bone health and boosts muscle growth. Vitamin C in carrot juice regulates blood sugar and boosts immunity. Carrot juice also contains vitamin K, which is essential for the protein building process in the body. It also helps in the binding of calcium that in turn leads to the faster healing of broken bones. Carrot juice is also rich in Vitamins B1, B2 and B6, which assist in the breaking down of glucose, fats and protein, building muscle, boosting metabolism and cutting fat. B vitamins also lower stress levels and prevent depression, which in turn helps to keep the calories off. Carrot juice prevents obesity, aids in weight loss and prevents weight gain when taken as a part of a diet plan.

2. Minerals:

A good source of iron, carrot juice promotes weight loss by increasing exercise capacity, energy, and resilience. Iron also boosts blood circulation to various parts of the body and ensures that oxygen is transported to all the parts of the body. Phosphorous in carrot juice builds, repairs, and maintains muscle; boosts the body’s metabolic rate; ensures optimal use of energy in the body and decreases pain after a workout. Potassium in carrot juice lowers blood pressure and improves bone health. Manganese and magnesium regulate blood sugar and aids in weight loss.

3. Cleanses The Body:

Carrot juice cleanses the body and rids it of any toxins, aiding weight loss. Fresh raw carrot juice cleanses the digestive tract of toxins, waste, indigestible material, which in turn cures and prevents obesity.

4. Cleanses The Liver:

Consuming two glasses of fresh, raw carrot juice a day is one of the best ways to detoxify the entire body. Carrot juice cleanses and detoxifies the liver. Toxins in the liver are released from the system and excreted after regular consumption of carrot juice. The bloodstream cannot rid the body of toxins and bile through the kidneys. This has to be ejected from the skin. Carrot juice aids this process and ensures harmful bile is removed from the body. When the liver functions well, it prevents the accumulation of fat and aids in its rapid digestion, preventing weight gain and obesity.

5. Improves Metabolism And Boosts Energy Levels:

Fresh raw carrot juice is an alkaline solution that cleanses, nourishes, and stimulates the efficient functioning of every organ and organ system in the body. Useful for the overall health of the body, carrot juice shapes and tones the body. It boosts the metabolism of the body and helps muscle development, growth, and repair. It also aids in optimal utilization of energy in the body to boost fitness and help one achieve the weight loss goals.
Ensure you drink at least one tall glass of carrot juice each day to burn fat and get the fab, svelte body you have always yearned for!

Do you drink juice as part of your weight loss regime? Is carrot juice a part of your diet? Do share with us in the comments section.
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1001 Reasons You Can't Do Without Onions.

Spices make your meal nourishing and tasteful. Onions is one you cannot do without. Almost everyone knows that onions are very important for health. Onion is a daily must have which helps you stay away from many infections and diseases. If you are sick and you are looking for a quick heal medicine, then onions are your best option.
The pungent odour might keep you away from onions but they are totally worth it. They can be cooked in almost all the recipes and can be consumed very easily. Onions are loaded with many chemicals which keep you away from illness and also make you glow due to its detoxification properties. Below are a few well known health benefits of onions.
Onion Benefits:
1. Onions have anti-biotic, antiseptic, antimicrobial and carminative properties to help you stay away from infections.
2. Onions are rich in sulphur, fibres, potassium, vitamin B, vitamin C and they are low in fat, cholesterol and sodium. Here is a detailed Onion Nutrition chart:

3. It is an immediate cure for fever, common cold, cough, sore throat, allergies etc. A mixture of onion juice and honey can cure these problems easily.
4. A small piece of onion can work against side effects of fever if it’s kept on the fore head.
5. A small piece of onion when inhaled can stop or slow down the bleeding through the nose.
6. An onion a day can cure insomnia or sleeping disorders. This will surely give you a good night sleep.
7. Onions can improve digestive system. If you have digestion problem, then onions can cure it by increasing the release of digestion juices.
8. Onion juice can cure burnt skin or an insect bite or a bee bite. It may burn more but it can heal it very effectively.
9. Onions can be used to prevent cancers. It works against head, neck and colon cancers.
10. You can protect yourself from Osteoporosis and Atherosclerosis by consuming onions daily.
11. Onions increases insulin in the body and also treats diabetes by controlling the sugar levels in the blood.
12. The bad cholesterol that causes heart problems can be burnt or removed if onions are consumed daily. It keeps you stay safe from the coronary diseases and also protects the good cholesterol.

13. Inflammation from Arthritis in the joints which can be healed with onions.
14. There is a small trick with onions to get some relief from body pains. Onions should be fried in sesame or castor oil and can be used to heal any aches.
15. One of the well-known tricks to remove dark patches or pigments on your face is to apply onion and turmeric juice on that area.
16. Onion juice is also used to cure ear and eye problems. This juice is used for infants as eye drops for clear vision.
17. This is also used for toothaches and tooth decaying.
18. Onions have rejuvenation properties on the body tissues.
19. For few types of moles, onion juice works efficiently by removing them.
20. For good memory and strong nervous system, consuming onions is your best bet.
21. Onions cure menstrual disorders. Raw onions should be consumed before a few days at the beginning of your cycle.
22. Use onion juice on the hair or the scalp to get rid of lice and hair fall. This is one of the most prominent of onion benefits for hair.
23. Onions contain water, protein, fats, starch, fibers, minerals, calcium, vitamin C, iron and B complex.
You should consume between 100 – 150 grams of onions in any form depending on your likes and dislikes.
Onion: Skin Benefits
This humble vegetable can provide you with healthy and glowing skin, thanks to the presence of rich amounts of antioxidant vitamins A, C and E. Both consumption and topical application of onions can provide numerous benefits to your skin.
24. Anti-ageing Benefits:
Onions possess enormous anti-ageing benefits. The antioxidant vitamins A, C and E fight against the damage caused by harmful UV rays as well as prevent free radical damage which is responsible for causing premature ageing of our skin. Onion is one of the richest sources of quercetin, the most powerful antioxidant that can keep your skin wrinkle-free. Vitamins and sulphur, on the other hand, protect your skin, and keep it soft and supple. The anti-ageing qualities of onion can be attributed to the presence of sulphur-rich phytochemicals. Massaging your skin with fresh onion juice helps increase blood circulation and improves the overall appearance of your skin by imparting a more youthful and radiant appearance.
25. Treatment of Acne:
The anti-microbial, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities of onion can work wonders on your skin. It is a powerful antiseptic which protects your skin from acne-causing bacteria and other skin infections. Onions can be used in the treatment of acne and pimples. For this purpose, you can mix 1 tablespoon of onion juice or extract with 1 tablespoon of olive oil and apply it on your face. Leave it for 20 minutes and then wash off. Apart from topical application, regular consumption of onion can also give you miraculous results in case of acne.
26. Lightens the Complexion:
Onions help in purifying your blood and supply your body with flavonoids which assist Vitamin C in its important functions. The consumption of onions can keep your skin healthy and glowing. You can prepare your own face mask by combining 1 ½ tablespoons freshly extracted onion juice with 2 tablespoons gram flour, ½ teaspoon milk and a pinch of nutmeg. Mix all these ingredients to form a thick paste and add some more milk if required to reach the desired consistency. You can also add few drops of lavender essential oil to beat the smell of onions. Apply it all over your face after cleansing and leave for 15 to 20 minutes or until it dries. Dab a cotton ball in milk and remove the pack by massaging in gentle circular movements. This will exfoliate the dead skin cells as well as lighten the skin tone.
27. Treatment of Dark Spots and Pigmentation:
Onion juice is excellent for getting rid of dark spots and pigmentation. The rich variety of phytonutrients and antioxidants in onion nourish your skin while removing skin impurities. You can prepare a face pack by mixing equal quantities of onion juice and fresh yogurt. You can also add a few drops of any essential oil for a pleasant aroma. Massage your face with this mixture, using gentle circular movements for 10 to 15 minutes. This should be done daily for best results.
28. Treatment of Stings and Bites:
Onions can be used to soothe stings and bug bites. All you need to do is place an onion slice on your sting or bite. The anti-inflammatory properties of onion help in reducing the burn, itchiness and swelling caused by insect and bug bites.
Onion: Hair Benefits
The benefits of onion do not end here. This layered vegetable is great for your hair as well. Onion juice is often used as a remedy for various hair problems. Some of the ways in which onion can benefit your hair are as follows.
29. Treatment of Thinning Hair:
Onion is quite helpful in treating thinning hair. All you need to do is juice an onion in a juicer and add ½ teaspoon of honey to it. You can add any essential oil of your choice to suppress the smell. Apply this mixture all over your hair or onto the portions that appear thin. Leave it overnight and do not cover your head. Shampoo your hair the next morning. This should be done at least once to thrice a week for best results.
30. Treatment of Hair Loss and Dandruff:
You can prepare a hair mask using onion to combat hair loss, dandruff and an itchy scalp. Onion juice is particularly beneficial for increasing the length of your hair. All you need to do is grind or mash an onion and strain it through a grinder to obtain the juice. Mix this juice with equal amounts of olive or coconut oil and apply it on your scalp and hair. Cover your head with a shower cap and leave it for 2 hours. Rinse it off with a shampoo to get rid of hair stickiness. This hair pack will improve the ability of your hair for re-growth besides imparting a shiny, glossy look to your hair. It should be applied twice a month for best results.
31. Maintains Hair Color:
You can apply onion juice on your hair to impart a nice coppery shade as well as to make your hair glossy. However, if you wish to maintain the natural color of your hair, you can blend onion with adequate amounts of mustard oil and apply it on your hair. Mustard oil will suppress the color lightening effect of onion.
32. Natural Conditioner:
To condition your hair naturally, you can apply a mixture of onion and fenugreek paste on your hair. Keep it for half an hour and wash off with a mild shampoo.
How to Select and Store?
Selection: Both dry and green onions are available all year round. While buying onions, choose the ones that are clean, well-shaped, with no opening at the neck. Their necks should be tightly closed and should not have a thick woody centre. They should be firm with crisp, dry, bright and shiny outer skin with a crackly feel. The base should be whitish in color, measuring about 2 to 3 inches. Avoid the ones with soft spots, damp and moldy patches as this is an indication of inferior quality. Sprouting onions should be avoided as this indicates age and poor storage. However, if sweet onions have been sprouted in your pantry, you can use the green sprouts as a substitute for scallions. There should not be dark powdery patches under the skin as this is an indication of mould which may spoil the flesh. They should have a mild smell.

Storage: Dry onions can be stored for several months. Whole onions should be stored in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place where they will last for about 4 weeks. Avoid refrigerating them as this will turn them soft. As they absorb moisture, they should not be stored below the sink. Often partial onions remain after the preparation of meals. These onions can be stored for reuse. They should be wrapped in a plastic or placed in a tightly sealed container and refrigerated for use within 2 to 3 days. Besides proper storage, onions should be inspected regularly. Slimy or discolored onions should be discarded. Sprouting onions can be eaten after chopping away the green portion. Spring onions can be refrigerated for up to a week.

Tips for Usage (Cooking/Eating):
Onions are one of the most versatile vegetables that can be eaten both in the raw and cooked form. They can impart a unique flavor to any recipe. They can be cooked in various ways such as boiling, sautéing, frying or caramelizing. Given below are some tips for using onions.
1. Raw onions can be added to salads. You can cut onions in rings and add them to chopped tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots and beets tossed in lemon juice. Spring onions can form part of green salads. You can prepare a classic Italian salad by combining sliced onions with tomatoes and mozzarella cheese, tossed in olive oil.
2. Chopped or sliced onions can be fried and used as a base for pasta sauces, stews and soups. Onions can be fried in butter or margarine over medium heat for about 3 minutes until they turn crispy and golden brown. They should be removed with tongs and placed on a plate lined with paper towels.
3. Chopped onions can be combined with tomatoes, avocadoes and jalapenos to prepare a guacamole salsa dip. Even plain rice can be topped with green onions and sesame seeds to make it more interesting.
4. Sautéed onions can enhance the flavor of any vegetarian dish. Sautéing enhances the texture and flavor of onions. This method involves browning the onions which creates a rich flavor. These can be added to sautéed veggies, soups and pasta dishes.
5. Sweating involves gently cooking the onion to make it soft, sweet and reduce the sulphur content, imparting it with a milder taste. These onions are added to dishes such as risottos, rice pilafs and braised meats to impart a natural sweetness.
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Nutrient Value
Percentage of RDA
40 Kcal
9.34 g
1.10 g
Total Fat
0.10 g
0 mg
Dietary Fiber
1.7 g
19 µg
0.116 mg
Pantothenic acid
0.123 mg
0.120 mg
0.027 mg
0.046 mg
Vitamin A
2 IU
Vitamin C
7.4 mg
Vitamin E
0.02 mg
4 mg
146 mg
23 mg
0.039 mg
0.0.21 mg
10 mg
0.129 mg
29 mg
0.17 mg
1 µg
0 µg
4 µg

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