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Wednesday 30 April 2014

4 reasons not to leave Twitter!

On the heels of its first-quarter earnings reportTwitter seems to be struggling to keep its users active. The social-media service added 14 million active users, up about 6 percent from the previous quarter, but not as much as some analysts would have liked.
Twitter now counts 255 million active users; Facebook has over 1 billion active users. Keep in mind that an active user as someone who logs into their account once a month, not someone who’s necessarily tweeting regularly.
So what to do if you are one of many that set up a Twitter account and abandoned it? Dust off that handle, and give it another try.
1. Be patient. Unless you’re Katy Perry or Starbucks, your brand probably doesn’t have a built-in following. Your first tweet isn’t going to get a lot of traction because no one knows you’re there. So start favoriting, retweeting and replying to content that interests you.
2. Follow more accounts. Find more accounts that are more relevant to your interests, but be selective. There are accounts that may have 100,000 followers, but they also follow 80,000. How in the world will that person ever see anything useful to them? At the same time, don’t feel bad for unfollowing.
3. Be diligent. Make a point to spend even five to ten minutes a day reading, favoriting and replying to tweets. Don’t be discouraged if your replies and tweets go unnoticed. The more you tweet, the sooner you will learn what works and what doesn’t.
4. Say something. Try not to go days between tweets. Whether it’s a discount code, information on sales or something fun, be active. That said, don’t tweet for the sake of tweeting.
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Friday 25 April 2014

Six(6) Dangerous Mistakes People Make When Starting a Business

Expensive mistake #1:

The wrong team Bill Aulet, managing director of the Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship and author of Disciplined Entrepreneurship, says choosing the wrong team is the single costliest error entrepreneurs make, resulting in not only lost income and time but depleted morale.
"Choosing who to hire and work with in a startup is like playing basketball in the schoolyard; you can pick your friends and play for them, but if youwant to be good and continue to be on the court, you have to carefully pick your team," he explains.
It's crucial to choose people with varying skill sets. However, Aulet says, "much like a great sports team, they must also share some common values and the ability to trust each other in tough situations. That's why past experience working with your co-founders and early employees in stressful times is much more important than being friends."

Expensive mistake #2: Bad pricing

"My single biggest mistake with my first business--a handbag company--was in pricing," says Sarah Shaw, CEO of Entreprenette, a consulting firm in Durango, Colo. Hers is a common misstep for product manufacturers.
Entreprenette's Sarah Shaw
Entreprenette's Sarah Shaw
"I didn't understand that with any kind of clothing or accessories, you have to calculate the square footage of fabric, including the wasted fabric," Shaw explains. Without an accurate understanding of her costs, she couldn't price her products correctly.
"I thought you sort of doubled everything, but that's not correct," she says. "It's a 2.5-times markup from cost to wholesale, which covers marketing, the showroom fee, all your expenses."
By the end of her first two years in business, Shaw had put in more than $100,000 of her own money. Thanks to perseverance and media buzz (celebrities loved her bags), she ended up with $1 million in annual revenue and attracted investors, but she couldn't recover from the downturn after 9/11 and closed the business in 2002.
Entreprenette's Sarah Shaw (left) misunderstood costs in her first startup, a handbag company.
Entreprenette's Sarah Shaw (left) misunderstood costs in her first startup, a handbag company.
Like Shaw, Tobin Booth, CEO of Blue Oak Energy, paid dearly for a pricing mistake. It occurred in 2010 when the California-based company, which engineers and constructs solar photovoltaic power systems, took on a contract to install solar units for a retail chain with stores in eight states.
"That was a level of complexity we had zero experience with, in a very competitive market," he says. "What we didn't understand across all these states were the tax consequences and how much variation there was in labor rates. Then there were delays because of weather and shipping."
The company, which also hadn't planned for project delays that led to incurring storage fees, lost about $500,000 in 2011. Booth says the miscalculation was one of the worst experiences he has been through as a business owner, but there were some positives: "The cliché is absolutely correct. The painful experiences are the ones you learn best from."

Expensive mistake #3: Waiting for perfect when good will do

When you've got a killer idea, it's natural to want to introduce it to the world in a fully formed state. But it doesn't take a CPA to figure out that the longer you take to launch, the longer you go without money coming in.
"This is a common mistake, especially for tech people," says Drew Williams, co-author of Feed the Startup Beast. "Many want to build an app and won't let it go until it's perfect, but then you take too long and spend too much." Specifically, this error will likely leave you with no "runway"--the cash you'll need to sustain you as you're trying to get your product off the ground once it's ready, but before you have customers.
"You need to come up with the simplest, basic version of your product that gets the idea across and try to find someone you can sell it to," Williams says. "Find one or two clients who are willing to do a pilot where you build, test and iterate it. Inevitably, your product will be different than what you expect, and then you build it. If you get a real, live client, you create a better product in a very cost-effective way."

Expensive mistake #4: Not understanding technology

Mary Juetten was no Luddite when she launched Traklight, a software company that helps individuals and businesses identify and protect intellectual property, but she didn't know everything. "I understood how to lay out what our software would do ... but I didn't know anything about coding software or web development," says Juetten, a CPA and Canadian chartered accountant.
Traklight's Mary Juetten.
Traklight's Mary Juetten.
She relied on a co-founder with that expertise, but when that relationship ended, she floundered. "This is where I made my biggest mistake: I looked for the best deal, and I didn't educate myself about different programming languages or bring someone else into the mix."
The team she hired to create Traklight's software told her that it "couldn't" be built in one programming language and "had" to be built in another. "If someone designing my website came up to me and said, 'You should use this color instead of that color,' I'd be asking 17 questions about why," Juetten says. "But I never asked why about this, because it was technology."
The four-month window for software development turned into eight months, then nine more. "With technology, it's all about time to market," she says. "So entrepreneurs who are not technical should educate themselves."
Eventually Juetten took a "tech speak for entrepreneurs" class. She suggests other startup founders who need more expertise find similar instruction at Codecademy or General Assembly.

Expensive mistake #5: Skimping on attorneys

Booth of Blue Oak Energy might like a do-over on pricing that multistate order, but he's also sorry about skimping on legal fees in his company's infancy.
"If I could do some of the early stuff over, it would have been to pay a few thousand dollars to have an attorney write up a proper contract," he says. "I didn't have the right attorney who really understood my business."
A few early customers simply didn't pay up, so Booth tried to move matters to a collections agency. "I found out that there were some clauses [in the contract] that didn't allow me to collect on attorneys' fees," says Booth, whose company now does nearly $20 million in annual revenue.
Shaw, meanwhile, unknowingly signed a contract that gave her handbag company the trademark to her name, so when investors came in, her name belonged to them. "I can't use my own name in business again," she says. "I wish I had hired an attorney to watch out for me."

Expensive mistake #6: Being cheap about marketing

"People think, everyone else has to market their product or service, but I don't because this is so good," says author Williams. The related myth is that you can rely on social media to build virality and attract customers for free. "Social media is not free," he says. "To do it properly takes unbelievable amounts of time, and it'll typically take six months to a year before you've got even slight momentum--it's not fast."
If you're not sure how much money to budget for marketing, Williams suggests aiming for 10 to 20 percent of your targeted gross revenue. "As you become a more established business, that drops to 5 percent to 10 percent of gross revenue, and for the largest businesses it's typically 5 percent or a bit less," he says.
After launching Traklight, Juetten found that her website wasn't indexed properly for search engines. "No one was finding us," she recalls. So she decided to invest in an inbound marketing program. "That initial payment is scary for a small company, but we don't have to pay developers to make changes to our site, and they do e-mail marketing and CRM," she explains. So far it's working: In April 2013 the Traklight site recorded just 100 visits per month; by the end of the year it was getting 2,800.
How much does Juetten estimate she lost early on between the missteps in software development and inbound marketing? "As far as dollars thrown away--actual checks written for useless things--that would be in the tens of thousands," she admits. "As far as lost time [and] products not developed on time, it's in the hundreds of thousands. We would be much further ahead now."
In the end, the best way to avoid costly mistakes is obvious: Save and spend wisely. "Keep spending really, really tight," Williams advises. "Leverage everything you can and give yourself as long a runway as possible. You're going to need it."
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Astonishing Seven Secrets of Self-Made Multimillionaires

First, understand that you no longer want to be just a millionaire. You want to become a multimillionaire.
While you may think a million dollars will give you financial security, it will not. Given the volatility in economies, governments and financial markets around the world, it's no longer safe to assume a million dollars will provide you and your family with true security. In fact, a Fidelity Investments' study of millionaires last year found that 42 percent of them don't feel wealthy and they would need $7.5 million of investable assets to start feeling rich.
This isn't a how-to on the accumulation of wealth from a lifetime of saving and pinching pennies. This is about generating multimillion-dollar wealth and enjoying it during the creation process. To get started, consider these seven secrets of multimillionaires.
No. 1: Decide to Be a Multimillionaire -- You first have to decide you want to be a self-made millionaire. I went from nothing—no money, just ideas and a lot of hard work—to create a net worth that probably cannot be destroyed in my lifetime. The first step was making a decision and setting a target. Every day for years, I wrote down this statement: "I am worth over $100,000,000!"
No. 2: Get Rid of Poverty Thinking -- There's no shortage of money on planet Earth, only a shortage of people who think correctly about it. To become a millionaire from scratch, you must end the poverty thinking. I know because I had to. I was raised by a single mother who did everything possible to put three boys through school and make ends meets. Many of the lessons she taught me encouraged a sense of scarcity and fear: "Eat all your food; there are people starving," "Don't waste anything," "Money doesn't grow on trees." Real wealth and abundance aren't created from such thinking. 
No. 3: Treat it Like a Duty -- Self-made multimillionaires are motivated not just by money, but by a need for the marketplace to validate their contributions. While I have always wanted wealth, I was driven more by my need to contribute consistent with my potential. Multimillionaires don't lower their targets when things get tough. Rather, they raise expectations for themselves because they see the difference they can make with their families, company, community and charities. 
No. 4: Surround Yourself with Multimillionaires -- I have been studying wealthy people since I was 10 years old. I read their stories and see what they went through. These are my mentors and teachers who inspire me. You can't learn how to make money from someone who doesn't have much. Who says, "Money won't make you happy"? People without money. Who says, "All rich people are greedy"? People who aren't rich. Wealthy people don't talk like that. You need to know what people are doing to create wealth and follow their example: What do they read? How do they invest? What drives them? How do they stay motivated and excited? 
No. 5: Work Like a Millionaire -- Rich people treat time differently. They buy it, while poor people sell it. The wealthy know time is more valuable than money itself, so they hire people for things they're not good at or aren't a productive use of their time, such as household chores. But don't kid yourself that those who hit it big don't work hard. Financially successful people are consumed by their hunt for success and work to the point that they feel they are winning and not just working. 
No. 6: Shift Focus from Spending to Investing -- The rich don't spend money; they invest. They know the U.S. tax laws favor investing over spending. You buy a house and can't write it off. The rich, in contrast, buy an apartment building that produces cash flow, appreciates and offers write-offs year after year. You buy cars for comfort and style. The rich buy cars for their company that are deductible because they are used to produce revenue.
No. 7: Create Multiple Flows of Income -- The really rich never depend on one flow of income but instead create a number of revenue streams. My first business had been generating a seven-figure income for years when I started investing cash in multifamily real estate. Once my real estate and my consulting business were churning, I went into a third business developing software to help retailers improve the customer experience.
Lastly, you may be surprised to learn that wealthy people wish you were wealthy, too. It's a mystery to them why others don't get rich. They know they aren't special and that wealth is available to anyone who wants to focus and persist. Rich people want others to be rich for two reasons: first, so you can buy their products and services, and second, because they want to hang out with other rich people. Get rich -- it's a Nigerian Dream.
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Thursday 24 April 2014

2014 MAMA NOMINEES UNVEILED! Davido, others lead nominees in Pan-African Music Awards.

Illuminating a spotlight on the African continent and the amazing achievements of Africans around the world, MTV Base today revealed the nominees for the 2014 MTV Africa Music Awards KwaZulu-Natal supported by Absolut & The City of Durban.

The prestigious MTV Africa Music Awards (MAMA) nominations were revealed at a glittering nominations celebration at The Sands, Johannesburg, South Africa by MTV Base VJs Nomuzi Mabena and Sizwe Dhlomo, alongside Alex OkosiSenior Vice President & Managing Director,Viacom International Media Networks (VIMN) AfricaTim Horwood, Channel Director, MTV Baseand Shirley MabiletjaBrand Manager: Absolut, Pernod Ricard South Africa, in the presence of nominees AKA, Beatenberg, DJ Clock, Burna Boy, Mafikizolo Professor, Oskido and Yuri Da Cunha.

The biggest and brightest contemporary artists from across the African continent and beyond were nominated in 15 different categories including Best MaleBest FemaleSong of the Year and Artist of the Year.  Broadening the scope of the MAMA awards franchise, achievement in non-music fields was recognised in “Personality of the Year”, and “Transform Today by Absolut”, an award designed to recognize and support young, emerging and original African creative talents who use their imagination to fuel social transformation and bring positive attention to the continent. 

Tied for first place in the nominations were South African artists Mafikizolo and Uhuru, and Nigerian artist Davido, who each scored 4 nominations while going directly head-to-head for Song of the Year,Artist of the Year and Best Collaboration.  Following closely behind with 3 nominations each were Nigerian artists P Square (Best Group, Artist of the Year, Song of the Year), South Africa’s Mi Casa(Best GroupArtist of the YearSong of the Year), and Angolan artist Yuri Da Cunha (Song of the Year, Best Lusophone and Best Collaboration).  Hot on their heels with two nods each were Angolan star Anselmo Ralph (Best Male, Best Lusophone), Nigeria’s Wizkid (Best MaleBest Collaboration); Gabonese artist Arielle T (Best Female, Best Francophone) and Diamond from Tanzania (Best Male,Best Collaboration).

Other artists from across the African contemporary music spectrum nominated for the awards included: 2Face, AKA, Amani, Beatenberg, Big Nuz, Burna Boy, Chidinma, Danny K, Diamond, DJ Buckz, DJ Clock, DJ C'ndo, DJ Ganyani, DJ Kent, The Arrows, Donald, Don Jazzy, Dr Malinga, Dr Sid, Efya, Espoir 2000, Fally Ipupa, FB, Ferre Gola, Flavour, Fuse ODG, Gangs of Ballet, Goldfish, Heavy K, Ice Prince, JD, KCEE, Khuli Chana, LCNVL, Lizha James, Matthew Mole, May D, Mi Casa, Michael Lowman, Nakhane Toure, Nelson Freitas, Olamide, Oskido, Professor, The Parlotones, Phyno, Radio and Weasel, R2bees, Sarkodie, Sauti Sol, Shortstraw, Stanley Enow, The Arrows, Tiwa Savage, Toofan, Uhuru, Youssoupha and Zakes Bantwini.

The MTV Africa Music Awards KwaZulu-Natal supported by Absolut is a spectacular awards show and music celebration, taking place in South Africa for the first time on 7 June 2014. Held at the Durban International Convention Centre (ICC), the awards will air live across the continent at 21:00 CAT onMTV Base (DStv Channel 322) and MTV (DStv Channel 130).

Celebrating musicians and achievers who have made the most impact on African youth culture throughout the year, MAMA 2014 will feature dazzling performances from African and international artists, including the awards’signature collaborations between artists of different genres and cultures – a high point of every show.

The MAMA nominations in full:


Best Male:
Anselmo Ralph (Angola)
Davido (Nigeria)
Diamond (Tanzania)
Donald (South Africa)
Wizkid (Nigeria)

Best Female:
Arielle T (Gabon)
Chidinma (Nigeria)
DJ C’ndo (South Africa)
Efya (Ghana)
Tiwa Savage (Nigeria)

Best Group:
Big Nuz (South Africa)
Mafikizolo (South Africa)
Mi Casa (South Africa)
P Square (Nigeria)
Sauti Sol (Kenya)

Best New Act:
Burna Boy (Nigeria)
Heavy K (South Africa)
Phyno (Nigeria)
Stanley Enow (Cameroon)
Uhuru (South Africa)

Best Live Act:
2face (Nigeria)
Fally Ipupa (DRC)
Flavour (Nigeria)
Dr Malinga (South Africa)
Zakes Bantwini (South Africa)

Best Collaboration:
Amani ft Radio and Weasel – ‘Kiboko Changu’ (Kenya/Uganda)
Diamond feat Davido – ‘Number One’ (Remix) (Tanzania/Nigeria)
Mafikizolo feat May D – ‘Happiness’ (South Africa/Nigeria)
R2bees feat Wizkid – ‘Slow Down’ (Ghana/Nigeria)
Uhuru feat DJ Buckz, Oskido, Professor, Yuri Da Cunha – ‘Y-tjukutja’ (South Africa/Angola)

Artist of the Year:
Davido (Nigeria)
Mafikizolo (South Africa)
Mi Casa (South Africa)
P Square (Nigeria)
Uhuru (South Africa)

Song of the Year:
Davido- ‘Skelewu’ (Nigeria)
DJ Clock feat Beatenberg – ‘Pluto’ (Remember Me) (South Africa)
DJ Ganyani feat FB – ‘Xigubu’ (South Africa)
DJ Kent feat The Arrows –‘Spin My World Around’ (South Africa)
Dr Sid feat Don Jazzy – ‘Surulere’ (Nigeria)
KCee - ‘Limpopo’ (Nigeria)
Mafikizolo feat Uhuru ‘Khona’ (South Africa)
Mi Casa- ‘Jika’ (South Africa)
P Square – ‘Personally’ (Nigeria)
Yuri Da Cunha -‘Atchu Tchu Tcha’ (Angola)

Best Hip Hop:
AKA (South Africa)
Ice Prince (Nigeria)
Khuli Chana (South Africa)
Olamide (Nigeria)
Sarkodie (Ghana)

Best Pop:
Danny K (South Africa)
Fuse ODG (Ghana)
Goldfish (South Africa)
LCNVL (South Africa)
Mathew Mole (South Africa)

Best Alternative:
Gangs of Ballet (South Africa)
Michael Lowman (South Africa)
Nakhane Toure (South Africa)
Parlotones (South Africa)
Shortstraw (South Africa)

Best Francophone:
Arielle T (Gabon)
Espoir 2000 (Ivory Coast)
Ferre Gola (DRC)
Toofan (Togo)
Youssoupha (Congo)

Best Lusophone:
Anselmo Ralph (Angola)
JD (Angola)
Lizha James (Mozambique)
Nelson Freitas (Cape Verde)
Yuri Da Cunha (Angola)


Personality of the Year:
Chimamanda Adiche (Nigeria)
Omotola Jalade Ekeinde (Nigeria) 
Trevor Noah (South Africa)
Lupita Nyong’o (Kenya)
Yaya Toure (Cote d’Ivoire)

Transform Today by Absolut
Anisa Mpungwe (Tanzania)
Clarence Peters (Nigeria)
Leti Arts (Ghana)
Rasty (South Africa)
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Tiwa arrives in Dubai for wedding!
Tiwa Savage arrived at Dubai in preparation for her white wedding to hubby/manager Tunji “Tee Billz” Balogun. The wedding is set to take place on Saturday 26 April 2014.

The happy bride lodged into the luxurious suite at the Armani Hotel as the hotel welcomed her with a bouquet of red roses.
We wished best of the best.
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Wednesday 23 April 2014

Peoples Magazine Most Beautiful Damsel for 2014: Lupita Nyong'o.

People Magazines's Most Beautiful Damsel is Oscar winning actress Lupita Nyong'o for  2014. She covers the 25th publication of the magazine.

An excited Lupita says its a major compliment; 
"It was exciting and just a major, major compliment and especially, I was happy for all the girls who would see me on [it] and feel a little more seen." she said
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Actor Cuba Gooding's wife issues divorce after 20 years of marriage

Oscar-winning actor Cuba Gooding Jr's wife of 20 years has finally issued  for separation citing irreconcilable differences.

TMZ reports that Sara Kapfer, Cuba's high school sweetheart, filed yesterday April 22nd in L.A. County Superior Court. The two married in 1994 and have three children together.

Sara wants joint legal and physical custody of their kids and isn't asking for child support currently.
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Abacha sacked me because of Obasanjo –Jimeta

Former Inspector General of Police - Alhaji Gambo Jimeta

A former Inspector General of Police, Alhaji Gambo Jimeta, said he was fired by a former military Head of State, late Gen. Sani Abacha as IGP because of his suggestion that political detainees including Gen. Olusegun Obasanjo, Gen. Shehu Musa Yar’Adua and others should be released unconditionally.
He also shocked members of the National Security Committee, which he chairs, that he just learnt through the media that the job of the National Conference was to write a new Constitution for Nigeria.
Jimeta also declared that he was not working for anybody but for a better Nigeria, the present and unborn generations.
Speaking during the inaugural meeting of the committee at the National Judicial Institute, the former IGP said he advised Abacha in the interest of the nation to release the political detainees but the former Head of State considered it a harmful advice.
He said, “As the IGP then, I advised the former Head of State, Gen. Sani Abacha, to release the high profile political detainees like Gen. Olusegun Obasanjo, Gen. Musa Yar’Adua and four others, but he refused to do so and instead removed me.”
Jimeta also clarified in an interview with newsmen that as a delegate he was just doing his duty as a citizen of Nigeria, adding that “wherever there is a positive endeavour to find solutions to what is worrying the nation, I will gladly go and do it not because I am invited or whatever.
“Normally, I would have gone, that is why I am saying I am not working for anybody but for myself and my conscience and the wellbeing of my children and great grand children to come,” he stressed.
Jimeta however hoped that his committee would collectively bring to bear the expertise and experiences earned over the years by members of the committee.
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Tuesday 22 April 2014

Is Jose Mourinho able to defeat soaring spanish giant athletico?

Atleti last reached the semi-final of the European Cup 40 years ago, back in 1974, so can be considered relatively inexperienced on this stage. In contrast, this is Chelsea's seventh appearance in the last four of the Champions League in 11 campaigns. They will hope such pedigree will hold them in good stead going into this tie, but los Rojiblancos, who currently sit four points clear at the top of La Liga, cannot be underestimated.
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Manchester United manager David Moyes will be sacked on Tuesday and replaced by the joint-caretaker team of Ryan Giggs and Nicky Butt until the end of the season.

David Moyes was sacked as Manchester United manager on Tuesday after the club’s owners, the Glazer family, decided to end the Scot’s disastrous tenure at Old Trafford.
Ryan Giggs, with Nicky Butt as his assistant, will take charge until the end of the season. Giggs has served as player-coach under Moyes while Butt has worked with the reserves.
The Glazers handed executive vice-chairman Ed Woodward the mandate to dismiss Moyes less than 12 months into his £4million-a-year, six-year contract after United’s defeat at Everton on Sunday confirmed their failure to qualify for next season’s Champions League.
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Robbers trample 8 Lagos streets, rape, destroy 30 cars in 7-hour rampage

According to a report by Punch, armed robbers numbering about 60 stormed 8 different streets in the Mushin area of Lagos in the early hours of Monday morning and operated unchallenged for about 7 hours. The armed men robbed, raped some girls and destroyed several cars during the operation. Full report below...
The hoodlums, who reportedly belonged to two cult groups – Akala boys and Toheeb’s gang – ravaged New Balogun, Euba, Ayonuga, Tiamiyu, Haruna, Ereko, Oyedele streets and Coker Lane. A mosque on Coker Lane was not spared as the worshippers, who slept in the mosque after a vigil, were robbed by the hoodlums.
One of the people in the mosque told Punch that the robbers fired bullets for over one hour before robbing from house-to-house. Continue...

He said, “It was around 12am on Monday morning that we started hearing gunshots. It lasted for about an hour. Around 1am, they started going from house-to-house, robbing the occupants. They stole about seven laptops from the house opposite this mosque. They stole phones, money and everything they saw. They came inside the mosque and took our phones and money. People were crying throughout the night. It was terrible.”

Another witness said the robbers were not in a haste. He said they robbed till 5am and came back at 6am to continue before leaving around 7am.

A Punch correspondent observed that a generator was also removed from its shed by the robbers. Vehicles parked on the streets were vandalised by the robbers, just as two Toyota Hilus van were burnt.

A Punch correspondent counted 20 vehicles, but some residents said about 10 damaged cars had been taken away by their owners for repairs.

Kasali Daramola, a driver who spoke while fighting back tears, told our correspondent he owned one of the burnt vehicles.
He said, “This is the third time they will do this to me. What have I done to them? The first was a Lexus car my younger brother bought for me, which I was planning to sell to acquire a commercial bus to take care of my four kids and wife. I sold the scrap for N30, 000. I used the money I raised to get a bus and I was paying for it by installment. I have not finished the payment when they destroyed it.”

Daramola said the men entered his house and some of the ladies living there were raped.

He said attempts to bring in the police were abortive as they kept saying they were on their way without showing up.

A resident said, “For over five years now this area has not known peace. Will the police say they cannot do anything about it? Around 7am that policemen came here, they still saw some of those robbers around, but did not do anything. Why? I believe the police know all the people causing trouble here and if they want to do something, it doesn’t take them anything.”
Tosin Gbolahan, a resident, said a policeman attached to Alakara Police Station was with the hoodlums on Monday morning.

He said the hoodlums took advantage of a carnival that was held the previous night on Ojo Street to perpetrate the havoc.

The Police Public Relations Officer, Lagos State Command, Ngozi Braide, said she would call back, but she had yet to do so as of press time.

Culled from Punch.
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Monday 21 April 2014

Can High-Speed Internet Spark Better-Paying Jobs?

Many of us look at high-speed internet as a way to enjoy pleasures like clearer HDTV and speedier Wi-Fi. But as lightening-fast service gets rolled out in new markets, it could also pave the way to innovation--and new jobs for many--or so say proponents. We're just starting to see what 
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Enzyme involved in the regulation of immune system T cells is a promising target to treat asthma and cancer

In experiments with mice, Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center scientists have identified an enzyme involved in the regulation of immune system T cells that could be a useful target in treating asthma and boosting the effects of certaincancer therapies.
In research described online in Nature Immunology, the investigators show that mice without the enzyme SKG1 were resistant to dust mite-induced asthma. And mice withmelanoma and missing the enzyme, developed far fewer lung tumors - less than half as many - than mice with SKG1.
"If we can develop a drug that blocks the enzyme in a way that mimics what happens when the enzyme is missing, we would not only have a treatment to inhibit asthma, but also a drug that could be used in conjunction with other experimental therapies aimed at helping the immune system fight cancer," said Jonathan D. Powell, M.D., professor of oncology at the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center.
The unusual dual potential of an SKG1-blocking compound stems from the enzyme's role in a key pathway linked to T cells, which act as either "generals" of the immune system by directing how the system works, or "soldiers" that seek and destroy foreign cells.
Powell and his colleagues decided to look at SKG1 because it works along the same pathway of a protein called mTOR, a focus of their previous research. The mTOR pathway helps T cells decipher signals from their environment, and prompts the cells to transform into specific T cell types.
As part of this pathway, SKG1 dials down production of a signaling protein called interferon-gamma. When SKG1 is inactive, T cells produce increased amounts of interferon-gamma that appear to be useful in fightingtumor cells.
Powell said that a SKG1-blocking drug might be used in conjunction with other cancer immunotherapies as a sort of booster medication to enhance their effects. Experimental cancer immunotherapies, including vaccines and so-called checkpoint blockade inhibitors, are the focus of intense research within the past few years, he added.
The researchers also discovered that SKG1 promotes the production of T helper 2 cells, which become overactive in asthma and other allergies in a sort of runaway case of inflammation. Finding a drug that could shut down SKG1 could help block the inflammation that causes asthma and other allergic reactions.
By untangling the different effects of SKG1, Powell said, his team has advanced efforts to fine-tune immune responses in patients. "We're not suppressing or exacerbating the immune system, we're regulating it," he noted. "We're regulating it to do exactly what we want it to do."
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